


John Carlos was born on June 5, 1945, in Harlem, New York. Growing up for John Carlos Harlem was intergrated, while the rest of the nation was segregated. He only saw the segregation on TVs, he never experienced the equality barrier as a kid. As a kid he loved to swim but his Dad told him he couldn't become a swimmer because he is black. As a kid he broke a lot of barriers. The first time he broke a barrier was in high school for better quality food. He and his friends did a boycott and it worked. At fifteen he got invited to the New York Pioneer Club, which is one of the best track clubs in New York.

College Years

John Carlos got a full scholarship to East Texas. When he got to Texas it was way different then Harlem. There was way more racism. He didn't like it there. Eventually, he moved back to New York and got invited to be part of the boycott.

Harlem's Streets in the 1940s.